Gur Alroey is the director of the Israel Studies and 20th century Jewish Histories (ISJH) International MA Program and the chair of the School of History at the University of Haifa. During the years 2009-2011 Alroey…

Gur Alroey

Elizabeth Antebi
Elizabeth Antébi is a historian and writer living in Paris. She received her PhD in History of Religious Sciences, Ideologies and Systems, from the EPHE (School of Advanced Studies), Sorbonne, Paris, in 1999. Her doctorate…

Yuval Ben-Bassat
Yuval Ben-Bassat received his Ph.D. from the Dept. of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago (2007). Currently he teaches Ottoman and Turkish history at the University of Haifa. His research focuses on…

Etan Bloom
Etan Bloom received his Ph.D. from the Tel Aviv University School of Cultural Studies. He was a doctoral student at the Simon-Dubnow-Institute for Jewish History and Culture at Leipzig University. His Master’s Dissertation is titled “The Reproduction…

Michelle Campos
Michelle Campos is Associate Professor of Modern Middle Eastern History at University of Florida. She earned her PhD in 2003 from Stanford University, after which she taught in the Department of Near Eastern Studies at…

Amy Dockser Marcus
Amy Dockser Marcus is a Boston-based correspondent for The Wall Street Journal. Ms. Dockser Marcus was awarded the 2005 Pulitzer Prize for Beat Reporting for a series of articles about cancer survivors that appeared in…

Beshara Doumani
Beshara Doumani is director of Middle East Studies at Brown University. Previously, he was based at the University of California, Berkeley. Doumani received his PhD from Georgetown University, and was first tenured at the University…

Louis Fishman
Louis Fishman is an Assistant Professor of history at Brooklyn College, CIty University of New York. His work questions Palestinian and Israeli history during the late Ottoman period, Palestinian-Israeli conflict, modern Turkey and late Ottoman history….

Yaakov Gross
Yaakov Gross is a documentary filmmaker and film archivist who immigrated to Israel in 1950. After graduating from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, he directed and produced more than 30 films for organizations such as…

Abigail Jacobson
Abigail Jacobson is a History Lecturer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She is also a visiting lecturer at the Department of History and in the Elie Wiesel Center for Judaic Studies at Boston University….

Issam Nassar
Issam Nassar is a Palestinian historian of photography and Middle Eastern History at Illinois State University and a research fellow at the Institute of Jerusalem Studies in Jerusalem. Nassar taught at the University of California…

Ariyeh Saposnik
Saposnik is Associate Professor at the Ben-Gurion Institute for the Study of Israel and Zionism at Ben-Gurion University in the Negev. During academic year 2013-14, he is also on leave from the University of California,…

Gershon Shafir
Shafir is Professor of Sociology at University of California San Diego. He is also the Director of the UCSD Human Rights Minor. Shafir received his B.A in Economics, Political Science, and Sociology from Tel Aviv…

Salim Tamari
Salim Tamari is Professor of Sociology at Birzeit University, West Bank, Palestine. He is also the director of the Institute of Jerusalem Studies and adjunct professor at the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies at Georgetown…