Yusuf Khalidi (Arabic): Who can challenge the rights of the Jews on Palestine? Good lord, historically it really is your country. But the destiny of nations is not governed by abstract concepts, however pure and noble they may be.
Theodor Herzl (German): The Zionist idea, of which I am the humble servant, harbors no hostility toward the Ottoman Government. In allowing Jews to immigrate and bring their intelligence, their financial acumen and their sense of enterprise, no one can doubt that the entire country would benefit.
Yusuf Khalidi (Arabic): The reality is that Palestine is now an integral part of the Ottoman empire. And what is even more serious, it is inhabited by others than Israelites.
Theodor Herzl (German): Do you really believe that an Arab who owns land in Palestine, or a house worth 3-4,000 francs, will be sorry to see its value rise five- or ten-fold?
Yusuf Khalidi (Arabic): Jewish wealth cannot purchase Palestine. The day will never come when the Zionists will become masters of this country. For God’s sake, leave Palestine in peace!
Jerusalem 1913: the origins of the Arab-Israeli conflict, Amy Dockser Marcus, Viking, Apr 19, 2007
Before Their Diaspora: A Photographic History of the Palestinians, 1876-1948, Walid Khalidi, Institute for Palestine Studies, 1984